Friday, March 9, 2012

Vocabulary Part One:
  1. Interface:
Definition: A point where two systems, subjects, organizations, etc., meet and interact
Synonym: Integrate, Network, and Combine
Antonym: Divide or Separate
Sentence: The interface between Tally and her ring integrated with the flow of traffic.
  1. Expedition:
Definition: A journey or voyage undertaken by a group of people with a particular purpose, esp. that of exploration, research, or war
Synonym: Crusade, Travel, and Campaign
Antonym: Stay
Sentence: Tally went on an expedition to find Peris.
  1. Frantic:
Definition: Wild or distraught with fear, anxiety, or other emotion
Synonym: Agitated, Angry, and Distraught
Antonym: Calm, Relaxed, and Peaceful
Sentence: Tally was frantic to get out of the tower and to not get caught during the fire alarm.
  1. Cacophony:
Definition: A harsh, discordant mixture of sounds
Synonym: Discord, Harshness, and Noise
  1. Impervious:
Definition: Not allowing something to pass through; not penetrable
Synonym: Closed, Immune, and Impassible
Antonym: Exposed, Open, and Vulnerable
  1. Looming:
Definition: Appear as a shadowy form, esp. one that is large or threatening
Synonym: Approach, Emanate, and Lower
Antonym: Disappear, or Leave
Sentence: Tally tried to wait until the looming shadow disappeared.

  1. Bemusement:
Definition: bewilderment: confusion resulting from failure to understand
Synonym: Abstract, Musing, and Trance
  1. Vulnerable:
Definition: Exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally
Synonym: Accessible, exposed, and Ready
Antonym: Closed, Guarded, and Unprotected
Sentence:Tally was vulnerable to the traffic without her interface ring.

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